Car Knocks When Turning and Over Bumps: What to Do?

Auto Racing a Blue Jeep and a Gray Sedan

Have you ever been behind the wheel, making a turn, and suddenly heard an unsettling knocking sound coming from your car? If so, you’re not alone. Many drivers have experienced their car making knocking noises when turning, and it can be a cause for concern. 

In this guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this issue, exploring why your car might knock when turning and even when driving over bumps. Understanding these factors can help you address the problem effectively and ensure your vehicle stays in good condition.

Understanding Car Knocks When Turning

When your car makes a knocking noise while turning, it’s important to pay attention. These sounds can be indicative of underlying issues with your vehicle’s suspension, steering, or other critical components. While the exact cause may vary, there are some common reasons why your car might make knocking sounds during turns.

Why Does My Car Knock When I Turn?

  • Worn Ball Joints: Ball joints are crucial components of your car’s suspension system. Over time, they can wear out, leading to a knocking sound when turning. If you suspect worn ball joints, it’s essential to have them inspected and replaced if necessary to maintain your vehicle’s safety;
  • Damaged CV Joints: Constant Velocity (CV) joints are found in your car’s drive axles and are responsible for transferring power to the wheels. When they become damaged or worn, they can produce knocking sounds when you turn. Replacing damaged CV joints is essential to prevent further damage to your vehicle;
  • Loose or Worn Tie Rods: Tie rods are critical for steering control. If they become loose or worn, they can cause your car to make knocking noises during turns. Proper maintenance and timely replacement of tie rods are essential to ensure safe and smooth steering.

Learn what’s wrong when your car knocks when turning in this video

Investigating Car Knocks Over Bumps

In addition to knocking when turning, your car might also produce similar sounds when driving over bumps. This issue could be related to suspension components or other factors:

  • Worn Shock Absorbers: Shock absorbers play a crucial role in providing a smooth ride. If they are worn or damaged, you may experience knocking sounds when driving over bumps. Replacing worn shock absorbers is necessary for ride comfort and safety;
  • Suspension Bushings: The bushings in your car’s suspension system can deteriorate over time, leading to knocking noises when encountering bumps. Replacing these bushings can restore a quieter and smoother ride.

Why does your car make different noises when turning? Check more in this article Car Makes Grinding Noise When Turning Right but Not Left

To ensure your safety on the road and prevent further damage, consider the following steps:

  • Inspection: If you experience car knocks when turning or over bumps, have your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic. They can diagnose the issue and provide recommendations for repairs or replacements;
  • Timely Maintenance: Regular maintenance and inspections are essential to prevent and address issues before they become more significant problems. Ensure that your suspension components, ball joints, CV joints, tie rods, shock absorbers, and suspension bushings are in good condition;
  • Prompt Repairs: If any components are found to be worn or damaged, don’t delay repairs or replacements. Addressing these issues promptly can save you from costly repairs down the road and ensure your vehicle’s continued safe operation;
  • Safety First: Always prioritize safety when it comes to your vehicle. Ignoring knocking sounds can lead to compromised handling, reduced control, and potential accidents. Taking quick action is essential for your safety and that of other road users.


If you find your car making knocking sounds when turning or going over bumps, it’s crucial not to ignore these warning signs. Such noises can be indicative of underlying problems with your vehicle’s suspension, steering, or other critical components.

Remember that understanding the reasons behind car knocks when turning or driving over bumps empowers you to make informed decisions about your vehicle’s maintenance and repair needs. By addressing these issues promptly and thoroughly, you can keep your car running smoothly and safely on the road.