How to start a car in cold weather?

The situation when the car does not start in frost often occurs with cars that spend the night on the street. Despite the fact that modern cars are adapted for operation in winter conditions, the engine sometimes fails, and there may be several reasons for this. Consider why not starting the car in cold weather, as well as how to start the engine and whether it is safe for the car.

Why didn’t the car start in frost

The main reason is that the batteries are not fully charged and finally lose their capacity, but how to start the car in winter with a dead battery? It is quite easy to determine this reason, because the starter will work sluggishly. With every next attempt, his efforts will diminish. This indicates insufficient battery current, and therefore the starter cannot turn the crankshaft to start the engine. But this is not the only reason that interferes with starting the car in winter after severe frosts, since there are also such problems that arise at subzero temperatures:

The fuel supply is interrupted due to freezing of moisture drops in the fuel line, and it is impossible to start the car in frosty conditions when there is no combustible mixture supply.

Due to the low temperature, the fluidity of the engine oil has deteriorated. It is unrealistic to start a car in frost with thickened grease, since the starter power is not enough to rotate the crankshaft. This happens in cases where the owner of the car has not poured winter lubricant in a timely manner.

The owners of diesel cars do not understand what to do if the car does not start in frost, and first of all, you should check the glow plugs. If they cannot heat up to the required temperature, the combustible mixture will not ignite.

The candles are covered with carbon deposits - not everyone knows how to properly start a car in frost in this case, or how to prevent this from happening.

Timing belt broke. Since communication with the crankshaft is lost, the starter rotates rapidly without load. On this basis, one can understand that it is impossible to start the car in winter due to the appearance of problems with the belt.

Another reason is that the timing belt jumps a few teeth and, accordingly, the valve timing does not work correctly.

These are the main reasons why the car did not start in cold weather. Moreover, problems with the timing belt can occur in the summer. Most often, the problem lies precisely in the battery, thickened oil and incorrect operation of the fuel system. Therefore, before deciding how to start the car in winter in the cold, you should correctly determine the reason for the refusal to work.
Is it worth starting the car in frost and how dangerous it is

Many people ask the question, is it necessary to start the car in severe frost? Definitely necessary, because modern machines are adapted to work at low temperatures. This means that nothing will happen to it, unless the oil is frozen. If the lubricant has become gel-like, starting the engine is contraindicated, as this can lead to damage of a different nature. Another question is whether it is possible to start the car in frost without danger to the timing belt. The likelihood that it will tear increases as it wears out. New belts are not threatened with rupture at negative temperatures.
How to start a car in winter in cold weather

Understanding how to identify the problems described above, you can figure out how to properly start the car in frost so as not to harm the car itself. Let’s start with the most common problem when there is not enough battery amperage. Its prevalence is due to the negligence of car owners, as well as cases when the battery is of poor quality.